Drain Alert have recently been working on a number of satellite hospitals being converted to Covid 19 Wards. One being Lilycross Care Home in Widnes whichh has been converted to form an important part of a wider out of hospital project happening across Cheshire and Merseyside to provide additional capacity in the community, freeing up much needed bed space in local hospitals. Halton council commissioned the project at the beginning of April, as part of its commitment to supporting the Halton population during the outbreak of Covid-19.

Lilycross Care Home, Widnes
“what we have achieved at Widnes is quite unbelievable given the timescale and current climate and is a credit to you all” – Mark Green, Operations Manager – Eric Wright Construction Ltd.
The other is a 150 bed community recovery centre at the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre, UCLAN, Preston which is usually a state of the art indoor sports centre. This has been converted to provide contingency to support the NHS response to the pandemic
Following the request for drainage survey, we responding quickly to Eric Wright Construction Special Projects division, and below are thank you emails to all the sub-contractors who made it happen.

Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre, UCLAN, Preston
We received some great feedback from Eric Wright Construction Ltd. including the below message from their Managing Director:
I would like to personally thank our staff, client, supply chain partners, designers and all other stakeholders who have worked tirelessly over the past few weeks to deliver a much needed health facility in record time
I am acutely aware of the sacrifices you have all made, working long days, weekends and Bank Holiday’s to make this happen
I am incredibly humbled by the teamwork and can do attitude of everyone who worked in these extremely difficult times to make a difference for those in our community who are most vulnerable
You should all be very proud of your contribution, for which you have my sincere thanks and appreciation
– John Wilson, Managing Director – Eric Wright Construction Ltd.